According to the US Census Bureau, in 2020, over 12 million people lived in working-poor families. This translates into nearly 4.1 percent of all American families.

Click here to donate via the Atlanta Community Food Bank.


Letter Asking for Participation

This letter helps gain awareness and inform your neighbors about Trick or Treat Hunger.

It should have some artwork/image on one side and the explanation of the event with times, items to donate and the child or teens name on the backside.  Make lots of copies to cover your street and deliver one week in advance of the event to give your neighbors a chance to shop for items they can donate.  

It is also recommended that a second delivery of the flyer takes place the day prior to serve as a last minute reminder.  If you are holding the event on a Sunday, you would deliver the flyer on the Sunday one week before as well as the Saturday one day prior. 


The drawing on the front of the letter should include some identifiable art/image from your child or teen.   The art/image should be big and colorful so that it can be identified from the street.   If you don't have a drawing or coloring page in mind to use, Trick or Treat Hunger artwork is available on the Resource Tab above for your convenience.  The 2023 template also contains a QR code to make financial donations to the Atlanta Community Foodbank in support of Trick or Treat options.  This is a nice option for those that want to participate but may not have food available in their home or time to get to the grocery store.

The explanation on the back of the letter should be written from the child or teen describing what they are doing and asking neighbors to participate by making a food donation.  The following details should be included in the letter;

  1. What the child or teen is doing
  2. When they are doing it.  Date and time.
  3. Items needed by the foodbank
  4. Ask neighbors to tape the drawing on the front of the flyer to their door the day of the event if they would like to make a donation.  This will let the kids know which houses they should collect from.

Note:  For younger children, it is recommended that parents work with their child to write the letter in their own words.  For kids just learning to write, a parent may want to type the letter while the child is stating what they would like to say.  Then print it out and have your child copy it.   Links to example letters are included in the resource tab.


Where to leave the letter?

We have had the most success by delivering the letter 2 times.   One week and one day before the event.  Deliver the letters to mailboxes or even directly to the front door of the homes you would like to solicit donations from.  You can roll it up and place it on the door handle or if it is a glass door you can gently tape it to the door.  We want to protect our neighbors' property through this process.

Click here to donate via the Atlanta Community Food Bank.

Participation Request Letter